
Department Council



García Almirall, Maria Pilar

Coch Roura, Helena

Rosell Amigo, Joan Ramon

Cornadó Bardon, Còssima

Torné Úbeda, Cristina

Pons Valladares, Oriol

Cuchí Burgos, Albert

 Marmolejo Duarte, Carlos Ramiro

Cruells Pagès, Pere

Pardal March, Cristina

Ramírez Casas, Judit

Muñoz Blanc, Carlos

Crespo Sánchez, Eva


Albareda Valls, Albert

Alonso Montolio, Carlos

Alvarez Ciudad, Aleix

Arellano Ramos, Blanca Esmeralda

Batlle Beltran, Marta

Boixader Ibañez, Dionis

Bosch Gonzalez, Montserrat

Calderon Validviezo, Lucrecia

Capellà Llovera, Joaquin

Coloma Picó, Eloi

Corominas González, Andreu

Costales Calvo, Ignacio Luis

Galeote Moreno, Eduardo

García Carrera, David

Garcia Nevado, Elena

Gaspar Fabregas, Kàtia

Gimferrer Vilaplana, Xavier

Gomez Soberon, Jose Manuel Vicente

Guijarro Carranza, Maria Piedad

Haurie Ibarra, Laia

Lacasta Palacio, Ana Maria

López Almansa, Francisco

López Besora, Judit

López López, David

López Plazas, Fabian

Massek, Torsten

Monreal Pujadas, Amadeu

Moya Ferrer, Lluís

Muntane Raich, Oriol

Muros Alcojor, Adrià

Navarro Ezquerra, Maria Antonia

Oliver Saiz, Elena

Olona Casas, Joan

Onecha Pérez, Belén

Pagès Ramón, Anna

Palumbo Fernandez, Mariana

París Viviana, Oriol

Recasens Ferrés, Jordi

Roca Cladera, Jose Nicasio

Salvati, Agnese

Tomás Belenguer, María Santos

Zamora Mestre, Joan Lluís






Caballero Marcos, Isabel Amaya

Martin Garcia, Estefania

Biere Arenas, Rolando Mauricio

Martin Goñi, Paula

Agustiño Otero, Manuel

Torrent I Soler, Pol

Gauthier Amigo, Alexandre

Giraldo Forero, Maria Del Pilar

Ortega Donoso, Sara Isabel



González Sánchez, Belén



Bosch Prat, Mireia



González Rodríguez, Rosario




The Department Council is made up of:

1. Members

In accordance with article 83.2 of the Statutes of the UPC, they are members of the Board:

a) The director.

b) Vice Directors.

c) The secretary.

d) The head of administration of the UTG.

e) The teaching and research staff assigned or linked to the Department, which must constitute at least two thirds of the total of the Council. All members of the PDI-A sector and the PDI-B3 classification.

f) The heads of departmental sections.

g) Those responsible for departmental areas of knowledge.

2. Elective members:

a) A representative of the EGM sector (bachelor's degree or university master's degree students) who receives studies from the Department within the corresponding academic year, chosen from among the representatives of the school boards of the ETSAB, the ETSAV and the EPSEB.

b) A representative of the Administration and Services Staff attached to the Department or who provides direct service to the Department belonging to the UTG's that provide service, chosen by and among these groups.

c) A representative of the PDI-B2 (training research staff).

d) The rest until completing one third of all the members of the Council rounding to the immediately lower integer of representatives of the grouping of the sectors of the PDI-B1 (associated professor) and PDI-B4 (non-doctoral or non-permanent teaching staff) classifications, in proportion to the total number of Chapter II professors in each of these two sectors of these two classifications and the UPC number of electoral procedures In the event that, as a result of the allocation procedure, one of the two classifications does not reach the number of a representative, these two classifications will be grouped.

Elective members will be elected in a single constituency. The representatives will be elected by their sector, classification or grouping of corresponding classifications.

If you want to see the minutes and agreements of the Department Council, go to UPC Government.