

Degree in Architecture Studies

The degree in Architecture Studies at ETSAV is a 5 years long degree (300 ECTS).

After this 5 years, graduates will be technically competent and scientifically rigorous professionals who will be involved in productive architectural work and architectural designs that satisfy both aesthetic and technical requirements and also will have knowledge of the history and theories of architecture, urban design and urban planning, research methods and preparation of construction projects, in addition to the problems of structure, construction and engineering related to building design.


At ETSAV, the Department of Architectural Technology participates in 17 compulsory subjects and 10 elective subjects in the  GEArq.

Elective Subjects

1st year 

Basis for Technique                                                      Responsible: E. Corbat
Analytic Geometry (Mathematics I)                           Responsible D. Boixader
Calculus (Mathematics II)                                           Responsible: J. Recasens

2nd year

Environmental Building Design                                Responsible: A. Pagès
Efforts and Tensions (Structures I)                         Responsible: J. Payola
Shape and Deformations (Structures II)                 Responsible: D. García
Construction Systems I                                             Responsible: L. Parramon

3rd year

Hyperstatic Structures (Structures III)                     Responsible: J. Pratdesaba
Interior Spaces Technology (Technology I)             Responsible: J.LL. Zamora
Reinforced Concrete Structures (Strcutures IV)     Responsible: X. Gimferrer
Construction Systems  II                                            Responsible: O. Muntane

4th year

Light Building Envelopes                                           Responsible: P. Garrido
Prominent Structures                                                Responsible: I. Costales  
Construction and Remodelling of Urban Space   Responsible: I. Vega
Soil Mechanics and Foundations                            Responsible: C. Jaen 

5th year

Intervention in the Building Stock                          Responsible: M. Gonzalez
Building as Designed                                               Responsible: J. Prous  

Assignatures optatives

Autum semester

Acció local 1

Arquitectura bioclimàtica

Estructures de fusta


Urban & Architectural Drawing and Photography (ETSAV - Illinois)

Spring semester

Anàlisi, consolidació i reforç d'estructures existents. Disseny i predimensionat 

AULARCH_auscultació de l'arquitectura

Criteris i tècniques de rehabilitació 


Altres formigons