

Degree in Architecture Studies 

The GArqEtsaB is the 5 years Degree in Arquitecture Studies that grants the formation as a professional. The basis of the teaching is centred around the Architectural project with knowledge about the history and theories about architecture, urbanism and planning, research methods and graphic representation, as well as the structural, construction and engineering design problems related with buildings. The formation qualifies the students so they may integrate in the architectural productive activity, develop projects that fulfill the aesthetic and current technical requirements and the applications of the contemporary society and city. The courses of the GArqEtsaB combine workshop methodologies with master class and the student's work holds the central axis of the Degree learning process.

The overcoming of the Degree in Architecture Studies, allows acces to the MArqEtsaB, which entitles to pursue the profession of Architect.


At the ETSAB, the Department of Architectural Technology participates in 15 core subjects and 19 optional subjects of the GArqETSAB.

Compulsory Subjects

1st Year

Mathematics I                                           Responsible: P. Cruells                     
Mathematics II                                          Responsible: P. Cruells                     
Basis for Technique                                 Responsible: B. Onecha

2nd Year

Conditioning and Services I                    Responsible: H. Coch / J. López
Construction I                                           Responsible: J. Morros 
Structures I                                                Responsible: D. López  / E. Oliver

3rd Year

Conditioning and Services II                   Responsible: E. Crespo
Construction II                                          Responsible: O. Pons
Structures II                                              Responsible: L. Calderón 

4th Year

Conditioning and Services III                  Responsible: A. Muros
Construction III                                         Responsible: C. Pardal
Structures III                                              Responsible: C. Muñoz

5th Year

Construction IV                                           Responsible: C. Cornadó
Structures IV                                               Responsible: A. Albareda 
Law and Management in                          Responsible: B. Arellano

Elective Subjects

Economic and Feasibility Analysis at the Service of Urbanism and Architecture

Architecture and the Material Project 

Interior Architecture

Architecture, Sustainability and Energy

Metropolitan Barcelona: Open Data and Digital

Acoustic Design of Architecture

Designing, Calculating and Building in Wood Vol. I

Renewable Energies in Architecture

Reinfroced Concrete Structures: Waffle Slabs

Business Management and Star-Up for Architects

Natural and Artificial Lighting. Architecture, Technology and Art 

Innovations in Architecture and Technology

Intervention in Architectural Heritage

Structural Planning: Design and Construction with BIM as a Support Tool

Regenerate to Inhabit: Concepts and Instruments

Seminar Thematic Studio I and Technology in Architecture

Seminar Thematic Studio II and Technology in Architecture

1:1 Scale Wood Studio

Rehabilitation Techniques and Application