

Master's Degree in Diagnosis and Intervention Techniques in Building Construction

The MUDIATEC, master’s degree in Diagnosis and Intervention Techniques in Building Construction; equips students with the knowledge and skills to pursue careers in a field of the construction sector that requires a high degree of specialisation. In the current context, intervention in built heritage, whether it involves rehabilitation or restoration, requires professionals with rigorous training in specific aspects of this work.

The new paradigm that has emerged as a result of the climate emergency and sustainability principles requires us to rethink how buildings evolve, increase their adaptation to various demands and improve existing building stock while reducing interventions that involve new construction. Consequently, intervention in built heritage is a fast-growing area of employment that offers a range of new career opportunities.

This master’s degree offers training that complements that provided in bachelor’s degrees in Architecture, Architectural Technology and/or Civil Engineering, covering fundamental aspects of rehabilitation and restoration, as well as developing the competencies required for a deeper understanding of the construction process. The programme also provides advanced professional and research training.

Teaching revolves around the study of specific cases, which are approached from a professional perspective.